Zimbabwe Stock Exchange is looking into blockchain technology - OhNo WTF Crypto

Zimbabwe Stock Exchange is looking into blockchain technology

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The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) is looking into blockchain technology reports local publication Chronicle. According to the publication, ZSE chief executive Justin Bgoni is open to blockchain technology but first wants regulation on how to do so.

Moving ahead of the world

Speaking at a C-Trade investor conference, Bgoni said:

“It’s something (Blockchain technology) we need to look into, though not now, the technology is very good. Each transaction, you can see who owns it so it is easy to audit it that is why people like it, is easy to verify it, it is transparent and takes away fraud, that part of the technology you can see everything and it makes sense, it is definitely an area that ZSE can explore.”

Of course, Zimbabwe wouldn’t be the first cryptocurrency exchange to jump into blockchain tech. The Jamaica Stock Exchange is another case – a group who is looking into trading Ethereum and Bitcoin among other assets.

Yet, as mentioned, Bgoni is still unsure regarding regulation, as are a lot of these groups:

“Then there is the money side to blockchain technology. This is a bit difficult, in terms of regulation, we are not yet clear on this and we do not want to do something where regulation is not clear as an exchange. But the technology side is very good.”

This news comes shortly after the ZSE brought in its C Trade platform for mobile. It ensures users can trade assets via their phone at any time.

Moreover, the interest in blockchain marks an overall change in Africa’s financial infrastructure. According to Rose Mlambo, chief executive at the Kenya Central Depository and Settlement Corporation (CDSC), blockchain is “the next big step” in reforming the entire country:

“Blockchain is the next big step in technology on our capital markets as Africa. It is good and enhances the security of your investment, every time you do a transaction it is recorded everywhere and cannot be altered at any stage. This is what investors want to boost their confidence.”

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The post Zimbabwe Stock Exchange is looking into blockchain technology appeared first on InsideBitcoins.com.


via https://www.ohnocrypto.com

Max Moeller, Khareem Sudlow