Who are Those Two Men Carrying Tote Bags with ‘Bitcoins’ Past Deutsche Bank? - OhNo WTF Crypto

Who are Those Two Men Carrying Tote Bags with ‘Bitcoins’ Past Deutsche Bank?

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Who are Those Two Men Carrying Tote Bags with ‘Bitcoins’ Past Deutsche Bank?

A photographer managed to take a picture of two men carrying tote bags with “Bitcoins” written on one of them. The funniest thing that at the background on this pic, there is a sign of Deutsche Bank. Almost immediately the photo went viral on social media, attracting the attention of many internet users.

People started to make guesses who these two men could be and what connection with the bank they may have. There were even some jokes that these guys were among thousands of the bank’s employees suffered from the recent staff cuts.

Traditional vs. Modern Financial System

Though as it turned out, this pic is just a pic and nothing more, the crypto community have taken it rather seriously and view it as a symbol of the clash between traditional and modern financial systems.

The situation with Deutsche Bank is being discussed today rather widely after it has announced its plans to restructure the organization cutting 18,000 jobs. This news has been widely covered by media all around the globe. However, none of the previously published articles or photographs showing laid-off employees made so much noise as the now-iconic “Bitcoin Bag Man” photo.

Social media users started to comment and repost this pic immediately after it was published trying to find funny explanations of what we can see in the pic and what meaning for the modern financial system it may have. Nevertheless, quite quickly the carriage has turned into a pumpkin and the truth has been revealed.

Pure Coincidence

While some people were sure that these guys on the pic are bankers, they are tailors. Quite unexpectedly, right?

Just in a couple of hours after the photo went viral, Fielding & Nicholson, a London-based bespoke tailoring company, disclosed the truth.

Though the tailoring company doesn’t have much in common with the bank, it still has a relation to the crypto world. It allows its customers to pay in Bitcoin. And we should mention that the hype around the photo can be rather beneficial for the company. It has already added its Bitcoin address to its Twitter bio expecting to get tips and donations.

The company that manufactures such bags the one on the pic, has also faced an incredible wave of interest from the side of the community. All the “Bitcoins” tote bag are now sold out.

Nevertheless, the pic is definitely not about the bag or tailoring companies, it’s about a real attitude of the society towards the traditional banking system. The reaction of the internet community reflects what people really think about it.

Who are Those Two Men Carrying Tote Bags with ‘Bitcoins’ Past Deutsche Bank?


via https://www.ohnocrypto.com

Julia Sakovich, Khareem Sudlow