TriveAcademy: Durian Tree Owner Has Been Blockchain in Malaysia - OhNo WTF Crypto

TriveAcademy: Durian Tree Owner Has Been Blockchain in Malaysia

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TriveAcademy: Durian Tree Owner Has Been Blockchain in Malaysia

TriveAcademy, a player in building the blockchain technology infrastructure which also conducts training classes and consultation processes just launched TRVC app.  Inside their app, Bloconomic Speakers’ and Volunteers’ Certification of Appreciation and the Certification of Ownership for Durian is now been blockchained and viewable to public.

Bloconomic Certificates of Appreciation is time-stamped in the blockchain system. The purpose of this Certificate of Appreciation is to verify all speakers and volunteers’ participation for Bloconomic Expo 2019. This certificate will benefit the speakers and volunteers as an evidence for their participation.

This certificate can be accessed by public and viewable in The data in the blockchain is immutable, it cannot be changed and deleted which provides trust to the public.

TriveAcademy introduced a Certificate of Ownership to durian tree owner. This certificate is time-stamped into the blockchain. The purpose for this Certificate of Ownership is to identify the real owner and act as proof of the ownership which benefit farm owners and the investors due to the accessibility of the certificate within every party in the public blockchain and it is transparent.

The data in the blockchain is immutable, it cannot be changed by anyone thus provides security and trust in the ecosystem. Now, every durian tree will have their certificate and the certificate is available on the Trivechain and viewable on TRVC App. A time-stamped certificate can aslo be implemented in the land office where every piece of land ownership can be time-stamped in blockchain.

In the mean time, Trivechain’s technology development is led by Tan Ji Sheng, the founder of TriveAcademy. Tan shared a wonderful keynote for Trivechain 2.0 at BLOCONOMIC, which gives participants deep understanding of the future planning and practical application of Trivechain. TriveAcademy is looking to partner up with more local universities to nurture the talent in understanding the blockchain technology and encourage the use of Trivechain technology in their projects.

Come and join the Trivechain community! You are invited to apply for the development fund through the DAO governance system to build a friendly and efficient development ecosystem in the blockchain environment. Visit the official website at for more details.

About Trivechain (TRVC)

Trivechain (TRVC) is a games and entertainment public blockchain protocol managed by Decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) which focuses on games and entertainment to enter the new era digital age with implementation of blockchain-based technology and DApps (decentralized applications).

TriveAcademy: Durian Tree Owner Has Been Blockchain in Malaysia



Svetlana Soroka, Khareem Sudlow