Snow Crash - Why Blockstack is the inverse of the world computer

Muneeb Ali
Why you should listen:
Muneeb explains that over a dinner with Balaji S. Srinivasan in February, Balaji convinced him that COVID-19 was about to crash the world and all precautions should be taken. Balaji was right.
The simple but robust protocol design for the Internet Protocol (IP) took the internet to 15B connected devices through the period of fastest technological change in history. Muneeb says Bitcoin’s protocol has the same properties - it is simple and robust - that’s why Bitcoin is the ideal narrow waist for Web 3.
Key takeaway:
Blockstack completed their capital raise six months ago and rebalanced their portfolio in February - leaving them in a strong position to keep building in these turbulent times.
Blockstack aims to be simple and powerful - like Bitcoin. Blockstack can be thought of as the inverse of the world computer - or platform blockchains such as Ethereum and EOS.
Muneeb says that in trying and uncertain times - it is important for individuals to have a sense of purpose to help them keep pushing forward.
Snow Crash is Mnueeb’s fav sci-fi novel and it informs his thinking about Web3 and Web4.
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Supporting links:
Bitcoin as the narrow waist for Web3
Fireside chat with Balaji S. Srinivasan
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Andy Pickering, Khareem Sudlow