BNC Weekly Bitcoin Twitter Statistics: 7th April
BNC Research analyses around 34 million tweets on a weekly basis using language detection AI algorithms - which search for tweets that contain ‘#bitcoin’, ‘bitcoin’, ‘$BTC’, ‘BTC’ and a few other key bitcoin related phrases in the body of the tweet.
40 million tweets boiled down to a single infographic
The results are then characterized as falling into one of seven categories.
Opinion: Tweets with ‘opinion’ words but few theoretical insights.
Technical: Broadly the Technical Analysis category.
Onchain: Tweets covering subjects like mining, hashrate, stock-to-flow etc.
Ad: Promotional tweets. Typically connected to exchanges and crypto sector companies self-promoting.
Bots: Tweets not sent by humans. Often tied to scams and giveaways.
Macro: Tweets by governments, major banks and similar institutions. Macro-type statements with the ability to impact sentiment.
Hack events: Tweets discussing hacks or network fork issues.
Opinion Tweets total (last week)= 45340641
Onchain Tweets total (last week)= 26041875
Technical Tweets total (last week)= 34971613
Ad Tweets total (last week)= 19617470
Bot Tweets total (last week)= 12833035
Hack event Tweets total (last week)= 4063748
Macro Tweets total (last week)= 8255826
Aditya Das, Khareem Sudlow