4 crypto experts break down the red-hot trend of cryptocurrency airdrops — and share the potential risks and rewards as more tokenless protocols seize on the rush to reward early adopters - OhNo WTF Crypto

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4 crypto experts break down the red-hot trend of cryptocurrency airdrops — and share the potential risks and rewards as more tokenless protocols seize on the rush to reward early adopters

#crypto #bitcoin

<figure><img alt=”Crypto coins circle” class=”img-responsive imported-news-entry-img” src=”https://images2.markets.businessinsider.com/610d069f2a24d00018620304?format=jpeg” /><figcaption>crypto coins circle<p class=”copyright”>Nurphoto<!– sh_cad_1 –></figcaption></figure><ul class=”summary-list”>
<li>Airdrops, in which protocols give away…Read More


via https://www.ohnocrypto.com

, Khareem Sudlow