Game specialized chain Oasys (OAS) to be listed on SBI VC Trade - OhNo WTF Crypto

Game specialized chain Oasys (OAS) to be listed on SBI VC Trade


Second listing of Oasis (OAS) in Japan

It was revealed on the 30th that the listing of the native token “Oasis (OAS)” of the game-dedicated blockchain platform “Oasys” was confirmed on the domestic crypto asset exchange SBI VC Trade.

The scheduled listing date is May 31 (Wednesday), and the domestic handling of OAS tokens will be the second exchange after bitbank.

The Oasys project, which is being promoted by Singapore-based developer Oasys Pte. Ltd, announced a partnership with SBI VC Trade in March of this year. This alliance aims to spread the OAS token issued by Oasys and the “Oasys network” in Japan, and both parties have indicated a policy to work together.

In addition to this listing, the “SBI Web3 Wallet” provided by SBI VC Trade will soon be compatible with the Oasys network. As a result, users will be able to freely exchange OAS tokens and Japanese yen with the automatic yen conversion function of the wallet. In particular, it is expected that this will enable a new user experience (UX) such as trading items NFT (non-fungible tokens) in blockchain games only in Japanese yen.

Future prospects for collaboration between Oasys and SBI VC Trade include support for NFT marketplace SBINFT Market and liquidity supply at international market maker B2C2. The policy is to explore multi-faceted cooperation.

Oasys has also indicated its intention to aim for further listings on domestic and foreign exchanges in order to enhance domestic users’ options for trading OAS tokens.

connection:SBI VC Trade Forms a Business Alliance with Oasys, Supporting Efforts for Domestic Dissemination

SBI VC Trade is a wholly owned subsidiary of the SBI Group, a comprehensive Internet financial group. As a crypto asset exchange business and a type 1 financial instruments business, in addition to spot trading (markets and exchanges), we provide various trading services such as leverage trading, accumulated crypto assets, and staking. It is possible to trade more than 16 stocks such as Bitcoin (BTC), XRP, Ethereum (ETH), Cardano (ADA), Dogecoin (DOGE), Solana (SOL).

What is Oasys

Oasys is a blockchain built for gaming IP (intellectual property) holders and gamers based on the concept of “Blockchain for The Games”. By adopting the consensus building algorithm PoS (Proof of Stake), we will eliminate the transaction fee (Gas fee) for game players, which has been a major issue so far, and speed up the transaction process.

connection:What is “Oasys (OAS)” that even beginners can understand? | Explanation of features and mechanism

Japan’s largest game company and Web3-related companies are participating in the Oasys project, and 21 partner companies include Square Enix, Sega, Bandai Namco Labs, GREE, bitFlyer and Astar. In February, Softbank participated as a validator (verifier) ​​for the Oasys network. From April 3, handling of Oasis (OAS) began on the domestic exchange bitbank.

connection:First listing in Japan, bitbank announces handling of game specialty chain Oasys (OAS)

The post Game specialized chain Oasys (OAS) to be listed on SBI VC Trade appeared first on Our Bitcoin News.

OhNoCryptocurrency via @Kurt Ebenzer, @Khareem Sudlow